Casual 'n Comfy! --Morning Lounge Decor

Here's an idea for a lively morning lounge decor that will brighten up the beginning of your day!!

The morning lounge is one of my favourite corners of the house! With the early morning sunlight pouring in from a window the size of the eastern wall, and a yoga mat rolled up in the corner, that is the place I begin most of my mornings, watching the cool shades of dawn turn into a bright, lithe, sunny day..

What I really love about this morning lounge decor is the vibrant hues, the milk chocolate with a bright shade of pink that makes a cheerful morning seat by the cool early morning sun, and the idea of a four-poster sofa!! CooL!  To complete it, a fully hand-made rug covers the floor area in front, giving the final touch of a luxurious, cheerful morning lounge. An oil colour of hot pink flowers breathes nature's beauty into the spot of wall above, adding life to the whole morning lounge decor.

fluttering butterfly frame and a chinese lamp hanging in a decorative stand
Another lovely addition is these beautiful, large sized, brightly coloured, glittering butterflies fluttering at the gentlest wind at the window or door of the morning lounge, or perhaps, just hanging by the wall where the light streams in, brightening the room. It would give my morning lounge an animation that would go perferctly with the peace of early morning bliss, creating a soothing effect for the senses. I love it!

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